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Branch of Good Neighbors International in the Kyrgyz Republic
Call for Proposals
Call Title: Helminthiasis Prevention in Rural Areas
Call Number: GNKGZ-CO-002
Award Ceiling: 1,740,000 KGS
Deadline for Applications: 2nd of March 2025, 23:59 Bishkek Time
Call for Proposals and Templates can be found by the link below
Good Neighbors is an international humanitarian development NGO founded in 1991 to make the world a place without hunger, where people live together in harmony. Currently, Good Neighbors is working in 40 countries with the focus on inclusive community development approach and child protection. Good Neighbors has attained General consultative status with UN ECOSOC in 1996. It was awarded the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Award by International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS) in 2007.
Good Neighbors launched its mission in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2014, aiming to support rural communities in their social and economic development. Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic (hereinafter GN KGZ) is committed to improving living conditions in remote areas, expanding access to quality education and healthcare, enhancing the rights of children and women, and promoting economic well-being. Since its inception, GN KGZ has made significant strides in collaboration with residents and local authorities. The organization places special emphasis on strengthening existing partnerships and creating new ones. This strategic approach aims to contribute to the country’s development in line with state development programs and ensure long-term sustainability.
Currently, GN KGZ is implementing four community development projects and other collaboration projects including a multi-year rural development project funded jointly with the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).
Award Ceiling: 1,740,000 KGS
Number of Awards Anticipated: 1
Anticipated Project Start Date: April 2025
Length of Project Period: up to 7 months
Project area: The project should be implemented in the following areas only (at least two areas):
- Nijne-Chuisk Municipality (Sokuluk District, Chui Province),
- Bolot Mambetov Municipality (Ton District, Issyk-Kul Province),
- Abdy Suerkulov Municipality (Toktogul District, Jalal-Abad Province),
- Uch-Terek Municipality (Toktogul District, Jalal-Abad Province),
- Zhapalak Municipality (Osh City).
GN KGZ strives to improve access to quality medical services, raise awareness and improve skills of rural community members to prevent diseases. To further these objectives, GN KGZ announces a call for proposals for the Helminthiasis Prevention in Rural Areas Program.
The aim of this initiative is to improve the situation of parasitic diseases among children in rural areas by spreading preventive practices and improving personal hygiene.
Focus of the project may include (not limited to):
- Deworming pill distribution,
- Helminth control program,
- Helminth monitoring system,
- Education aimed at reducing transmission and reinfection,
- Reducing soil and/or water contamination,
- Improved sanitation.
Main target groups of the project should be (other target groups also can be covered):
- Children (under 18), youth, their parents.
Who are eligible to apply:
Only Kyrgyz Republic-registered civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations, non-for-profit organizations, branches of international NGOs are eligible to apply.
The organization needs to have a strong track record and work experience in the health sector.
Who are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply:
- Individuals,
- Government organizations,
- For-profit organizations,
- Religious institutions,
- Political parties,
- Commercial enterprises,
- Private businesses,
- Organizations with incomplete or unverified legal status,
- Organizations with no prior experience in implementing health-related projects.
Deadline for Applications: 2nd of March 2025, 23:59 Bishkek Time
Provided Project Proposal Form (Attachment 1) and Budget Plan Form (Attachment 2) should be submitted.
GN KGZ will provide funding for 1 selected project up to 1,740,000 KGS for a duration of up to 7 months. Project duration must cover all additional activities like monitoring and evaluation, reporting, etc. This call cannot support ongoing projects.
Project budget must cover all expenses (e.g., audit, monitoring, and evaluation, etc. if needed). Additionally, personnel and administrative costs (e.g., salaries, office rent) should not exceed 20% of the total budget.
Special consideration will be given to proposals which include partnership with state health governmental bodies.
Estimated timeline
3rd of February 2025 | Announcement of the call for proposals |
2nd of March 2025 | Application submission deadline |
March 2025 | Application assessment |
Late March - Early April 2025 | Result announcement |
April 2025 | Anticipated project start date |
Please submit:
1. Project Proposal (Attachment 1),
2. Budget Plan (Attachment 2),
3. Copy of the state registration certificate,
4. Copy of the organization’s statutes,
5. Copy of the resolutions of the finance auditor for the last 3 years or a copy of financial statements of the organization for the last 3 years.
before 2nd of March 2025, 23:59 Bishkek Time to mail “kyrgyzrepublic@goodneighbors.org”
Documents should be submitted in English (it is possible to submit finance auditor resolutions / financial statements in Russian) and in pdf format.
GN KGZ reserves the right not to grant funds if submitted applications do not meet the objectives of the call.
For inquiries regarding this call and proposal submission you may contact Azyk Ulanov at “a.ulanov@goodneighbors.org”.
Кооператив Сары-Согот растёт!
Благодаря программе Good Neighbors - доходоприносящие проекты, кооператив Сары-Согот уверенно развивается, увеличивая объемы производства меда и число участников. В 2024 году кооператив участвовал в проекте “Мед” при поддержке Good Neighbors. К декабрю 2024 года участники успешно реализовали проект.
Теперь цель кооператива — производить больше меда и создавать устойчивое будущее для своего бизнеса.
- История успеха пчеловода Самата Мусуралиева -
Самат Мусуралиев, член кооператива Сары-Согот, с более чем 10-летним опытом в пчеловодстве, добился впечатляющих результатов! В 2024 году, благодаря поддержке нашей программе и полученному кредиту, он собрал 117 баррелей меда (3429 кг) и продал его на международные рынки.
В 2025 году он планирует улучшить условия для пчел, приобретя 100 новых ульев.
"Пчеловодство — главный источник дохода нашей семьи, и за последние три года наш доход был бы значительно ниже без поддержки Гуд Нейборс в Кыргызской Республике." -Самат Мусуралиев-
#IncomeGeneration #Cooperative #BeeKeeping #SuccessStory
С радостью рассказываем о реализации "Стипендиальной программы Надежда" в 4 ПРС: Болот Мамбетов, Кок Чу, Бел Алды и Жапалак.
В программе приняли участие 65 учеников 9-10-11 классов, которые показали отличные академические результаты и активно участвовали в жизни своих школ.
Что получили участники?
— Стипендия в размере 3000 сом от Гуд Нейборс в Кыргызской Республике.
— Набор необходимых канцелярских товаров для учебы.
— Сертификат за хорошую успеваемость и вклад в школьную жизнь.
Почему это важно?
Программа была направлена на поддержку талантливой и активной молодежи, которая нуждается в стимуле для дальнейшего роста и развития.
Мы гордимся каждым участником и благодарим наших партнеров за возможность реализовать этот проект. Продолжайте верить в свои мечты, и пусть эта программа станет началом новых достижений!
#Education #Scholarship #HopeScholarship
19 декабря 2024 состоялось открытие двух STEAM классов и лаборатории в средней школе им. Байсейит уулу Эшманбета в Таласской области.
Помещения оснащены инновационными технологиями: умными досками, точными измерительными приборами и специальными инструментами для внедрения STEAM-методики.
Это пространство, где наука, технологии, инженерия, искусство и математика объединяются, чтобы раскрыть таланты наших учеников!
#Education #STEAM