TOURISM FOR ALL at the Issyk-Kul lake
In July 2024, Women’s Community Aiym, with the support of Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic, organized Summer camp on the Issyk-Kul lake cost for persons with disabilities (PwDs).
13 participants of the camp spent three sunny unforgivable days in Solemar recreation center, which provided opportunity for persons with disabilities to have a quality rest free of charge. Staying in this center was especially comfortable for the participants, as its area is adapted for PwDs: has traps on the center area and easy access to the beach.
During these three days, participants were enjoying the beauty of the lake, communicating, sharing their success stories, motivating and inspiring each other. Participants returned to Bishkek with great impression, renewed and encouraged to overcome the new challenges.
This event also happened thanks to the support of “Red Petroleum” gas station network!
link of post about this project:
#WomenTaxi #InclusiveTaxi #WomentaxiAyim #ZhenskoeTaxiBishkek #Inclusiveness #AccessibleInfrastructureinthecity
On October 8, 2024, the organization "Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic" held an opening ceremony for a new kindergarten kitchen in the Uch-Terek village in the Toktogul district. As part of this project, "Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic" provided the administration and management of the kindergarten with the necessary construction materials, as well as modern equipment. The new kitchen, equipped with advanced technology, will ensure that children have access to healthy, nutritious, and balanced meals.
On the same day, a new medical center was opened, built through the joint efforts of local authorities, medical staff, residents, and "Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic." With funding and support from "Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic," the water supply system was reconstructed, allowing all key areas of the medical center to have access to clean drinking water.
This medical center holds significant strategic importance for the region, as it provides assistance not only to the residents of Toktogul district (approximately 30,000 people) but also serves the section of the Bishkek-Osh road, where accidents frequently occur.
#GoodChange #CommunityDevelopment #CleanWaterAccess
Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic provided emergency kits for residents of Eshperov and Ak-Sai villages affected by recent mudflows in Bolot Mambetov aiyl okmotu, Ton district, Issyk-Kul oblast.
Supporting was provided to 32 families, including 25 families from Ak-Sai village and 7 families from Eshperov village. As part of the supporting, the affected families received food, essential items and personal hygiene products.
This support is aimed at improving the living conditions of people who found themselves in a difficult situation due to natural disasters. The organization continues to closely monitor the situation in the affected areas.
#EmergencyRelief #EmergencyKit
Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic implemented a capacity building training for the members of the cooperatives in Bolot Mambetov, Bel-Ady, Zhapalak CDP, and Ayim Cooperative last weekend.
The main purpose of the training was to enhance cooperatives’ members’ skills and knowledge. Throughout the training participants learned more about Financial Literacy, Basics of Taxation and Tax Regulation in Kyrgyz Republic, Bookkeeping and Project Management. The capacity building training was led by qualified experts in these areas.
Besides the informative sessions, training was a great platform for the cooperative members to get together, build a network and share their experience with each other. We were happy to see our partners. We wish a fruitful harvest in the upcoming harvesting season.
#Cooperatives #Training