Launching a harvest season in Bel Aldy CDP
the successful implementation of the Honey Project in Bel Aldy Ayil Aimak, Toktogul
31 May, 2024
National Testing

We are pleased to inform you that Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic successfully completed  the "National Testing" project in 2024, within which the last stage was to conduct post-testing of 11th grade students in 4 regions of the country. 

The post-testing process within the framework of the project is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of the 3-month process of teaching schoolchildren and preparing students for the national testing (ORT), which was conducted by a team of professionals.

We believe and wish that students of schools where the Branch is actively involved in the development of the education sector will receive good scores and will be able to enroll in universities.

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Good Mama 2024: Prenatal & Postnatal Care in Rural Communities

Within the framework of the "Good Mama 2024" project, Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic organized two-day trainings for medical workers and CHWs on the topic "Antenatal and postnatal care for pregnant women" in 4 regions of the country.

Purpose: to increase knowledge and skills in providing quality care to pregnant women.

- gained knowledge about anxiety signs, physiological changes, work and rest regime, nutrition, breastfeeding and family planning;
- learned how to calculate the body mass index, measure pressure, uterine height, use a pulse oximeter and an ultrasound machine.

The second day:
- practical skills in breast cancer screening and early detection;
- self-examination training for women.

We hope to create favorable conditions for pregnant and newborn children through our initiatives in the regions.

*CHWs - Community Health Workers

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The implementation of the Cultivation of Elite Potato Seeds Project in Bolot Mambetov Ayil Aimak

Good Neighbors branch in the Kyrgyz Republic is pleased to announce the successful implementation of the Cultivation of Elite Potato Seeds Project for the past 3 years (2022-2024) in Bolot Mambetov Ayil Aimak, Ton district.

This year, in addition to valuable knowledge and experience, the cooperative received the necessary technical equipment for effective potato planting. The range of farmers involved in the project has expanded.

We have big plans ahead! We wish our partners favorable weather conditions and a rich harvest!

Project achievements:

- Three years of successful implementation;

- Increase number of engaged farmers;

- Cooperative received necessary equipment;

- Increasing the effectiveness of potato growing.

Future plans:

- Further development of the project;

- Increasing farmers welfare;

- Increasing food security in the region.

Rethink our partners and participants of the project for their contribution!

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Village Empowerment

From January 11th to 29th 2024 IRDP project provided a ToT (Training of Trainers). IRDP ToT involves experienced trainers guiding and equipping new trainers with vital expertise, empowering them to educate their communities about gender equality and financial literacy.

It is a key component of our approach to community development. This focuses on two fundamental principles below.

1. Gender equality training: Understanding the importance of creating inclusive communities, the trainings delve into the principles of gender equality. Participants will gain insight into how to break down stereotypes, promote inclusion and ensure equal opportunity for all. The goal is to empower our trainers to become trainers for change in their villages.

2. Financial literacy training: Financial well-being is the constant core of individual and societal prosperity. The financial literacy training covers important concepts such as budgeting, saving, and making sound financial decisions. By providing our coaches with these skills, we strive to empower them to help others make smart financial choices that will contribute to the overall development of the community.

The ToT is a strategic investment in the future of villages in the Kyrgyz Republic. By building the capacity of local leaders, IRDP strives to create self-sustaining progress in which people become advocates for their communities. It is believed to be a testament to the project’s commitment to driving positive change. Through this, the project is expecting sustainable training and empowerment in villagers in the future.

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Girls Football Club 2023

The "Girls Football Club" project by Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic continues its mission of supporting girls in football.

Last Friday, October 6, 2023, the final stage of mini-football within the "Girls Football Club" project, implemented by the Branch, will take place at the "Champion" sports complex in the city of Bishkek. The "Girls Football Club" project was first launched in 2019 with the aim of organizing youth girls' mini-football tournaments among representatives of three regions of Kyrgyzstan. This year, the project has been renewed and continues its mission, aiming to expand opportunities and rights for girls in the field of sports.

The final stage of the competition includes the participation of teams consisting of girls from the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, from four regions: Chui, Issyk-Kul, Zhalal-Abad, and Osh. The winning teams, each with 10 girls, will represent their regions in Bishkek and compete for the title of the winner.

"We believe that this project will give girls not only the opportunity to participate in competitive events but also to further develop girls football in our society. Sport contributes to personal growth, strengthens health, and instills important values such as teamwork, respect, and perseverance," noted the Country Director of the Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic Mr. Chun Hong Soo.

After the tournament concludes on this important day, a solemn award ceremony will take place, and guests from the Association of Women's Football of Kyrgyzstan are invited to attend. We thank all the participants who supported this project and contributed to its successful implementation. Our goal is to inspire and support girls in their aspirations for achievements and the strengthening of their rights.

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Update: Integrated Rural Development Project in the Kyrgyz Republic

On July 20 and 27, 2023, Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic had productive meetings with representatives from Osh and Batken regions to discuss the IRDP's progress. Heads of rural development departments, regional development funds, Aiyl Okmotu, committees, and IRDP partners actively participated in the discussions. The meetings focused on reporting activities in each village, addressing implementation challenges, promoting the project, and planning activities until 2023 end. Valuable insights from farmers and local villagers also played a crucial role in enhancing project efficiency. IRDP team are committed to the success of the Berekely Aimak project and will continue holding implementing committee meetings twice a year.

*Integrated Rural Development Project in Kyrgyz Republic, jointly with the Government of Kyrgyz Republic represented by the Ministry of Agriculture and KOICA, aims to reduce poverty in 30 villages over 4 years. It focuses on improving socio-economic conditions, promoting women's rights, sustainable agriculture, and advocating for rural development policies.

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Berekeluu Aimak

Professors from Chungbuk University (Republic of Korea) visited Kyrgyzstan from June 26th to 30th, 2023, to monitor and evaluate the Integrated Rural Development Project in the Kyrgyz Republic, "Berekeluu Aymak." The purpose of their visit was to assess the project's effectiveness and its impact on improving the living conditions of communities residing in 30 villages in the Osh and Batken regions.

During their visit, they inspected various project facilities, including development centers, football fields, gas and water supply systems, health posts, drinking water reservoirs, paved roads, and kindergartens. The professors actively engaged with local farmers, learning from their experiences and gaining insights into agriculture in the Kyrgyz Republic. It is expected that the monitoring and evaluation results will make a significant contribution to achieving the project's goals, playing a crucial role in project management through consultations and recommendations.

*Integrated Rural Development Project in Kyrgyz Republic, jointly with the Government of Kyrgyz Republic represented by the Ministry of Agriculture and KOICA, aims to reduce poverty in 30 villages over 4 years. It focuses on improving socio-economic conditions, promoting women's rights, sustainable agriculture, and advocating for rural development policies.

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Increasing schoolchildren's access to quality education and assistance in enrolling in universities.

Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic has launched a large-scale project - "National Testing training for schoolchildren" (NTT*) for graduate students in 15 schools as part of community development projects. NTT* is a mandatory test that replaces entrance exams for admission to universities in Kyrgyzstan. The course lasts 3 months and includes preparation for the main test (Kyrgyz / Russian, mathematics) and a subject test (history, mathematics, biology, chemistry, etc.) at the choice of the student.
The NTT course covers 320 students from 4 regions of the country. Project goal: Increasing schoolchildren's access to quality education and assistance in enrolling in universities. The project will help our students enter universities, including state-funded places.

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Health Center in Mirnoe village at Kok-Chu CDP

Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic on February 2023 finished the improvement of the Health Center in Mirnoe village at Kok-Chu CDP* (Community Development Project). The heating system was installed, and a better water supply system was provided, also needful facilities were given. Most of the residents of Mirnoe village couldn’t stay inside the health center while receiving medical check-ups in the winter season due to the absence of a heating system. With support from the Branch nowadays Health Center can be comfortably operated in any season. Providing development of infrastructure with the main objective to improve access to necessary services for the community and children mainly is always one of the priorities of Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic while implementing of CDP* projects. 

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