About us

Good Neighbors Kyrgyzstan, as part of Good Neighbors International, is an international humanitarian NGO with consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council. 

For 30 years, work has been actively pursued to strengthen the fight against poverty, in which the rights of citizens suffering from poverty, distress and oppression are the basis. 

Good Neighbors is currently impacting 192 communities in 40 countries, focusing on an inclusive approach to community development and child protection. 

The organization began its activities in Kyrgyzstan in 2014.

Good Neighbors
Good Neighbors

Good Neighbors exists to make a world without hunger where people live together in harmony. Good Neighbors respects the rights of its neighbors who suffer from poverty, distress and oppression and helps them achieve self-reliance and hope.  

1. We work wherever our help is needed, regardless of race, religion, ideology or geography.
2. We encourage self-actualization and ongoing personal, family and community development.
3. We place the highest priority on the rights of the child.
4. We create a robust global citizenship that inspires people to respect others and live in harmony together.
5. We mobilize and organize local volunteers to participate in their community development.
6. We work with local partners who have community development goals.
7. We maintain professional and transparent reporting on the status and implementation of our projects and finances.
8. We encourage as many people as possible to join Good Neighbors as sponsors to participate in our work.
Where we work
Head Office
Bishkek Molodaya Gvardiya Boulevard 2/1
+996 312 844220
CDP Kok-Chu
Sokuluk district, “Nizhne Chuiskyi” ayil aimak, “Kamyshanovka”
CDP Bolot Mambetov
Ton district, “Bolot Mambetovskyi” ayil aimak
CDP Bel-Aldy
Toktogul district, “Bel Aldynskyi” ayil aimak
CDP Japalak
Territorial Administration of Village “Japalak”, Osh city
IRDP Office
Office of the "Integrated Rural Development Project"
Где мы работаем
CDP - Community Development Projects

The main task of our organization is to strengthen community capacity through mobilization of the local population, development of local infrastructure and training for economic activity. Tolerance and forbearance towards all, protection of children's rights and all possible promotion of their development in a favorable environment.  

Grant projects

We are constantly looking for opportunities to implement extra-budgetary projects, we encourage sponsors and partners to jointly implement sustainable projects within the framework of our activities in the areas where we operate. 

Integrated rural development project

IRDP is an Integrated rural development project with KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency).
We aim to reduce poverty in rural areas in 30 villages in the Osh and Batken regions from 2021 to 2025.
Villagers and IRDP are working toward these four outcomes: Improvement of socio-economic capacity, improvement of women’s rights, sustainable income generation, and strengthening government’s capacity in rural development policy.
