Cooperatives - Capacity building training

Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic implemented a capacity building training for the members of the cooperatives in Bolot Mambetov, Bel-Ady, Zhapalak CDP, and Ayim Cooperative last weekend.

The main purpose of the training was to enhance cooperatives’ members’ skills and knowledge. Throughout the training participants learned more about Financial Literacy, Basics of Taxation and Tax Regulation in Kyrgyz Republic, Bookkeeping and Project Management. The capacity building training was led by qualified experts in these areas.

Besides the informative sessions, training was a great platform for the cooperative members to get together, build a network and share their experience with each other. We were happy to see our partners. We wish a fruitful harvest in the upcoming harvesting season.


#Cooperatives #Training

Other news:
Good Neighbors Cup on Girls Football

On November 2nd, 2024, Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic organized Girl’s Football Cup in the frame of “Girls Empowerment Club” project.

This project helps girls feel strong and capable of achieving goals, overcoming stereotypes and strengthening their self-confidence. We are confident that sport is a great way to unlock inner potential and unite young people.


#Advocacy #GirlsEmpowermentClub #GirlsFootball

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Implementation of STEAM education in our CDPs

Since September 2024, Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic has launched an ambitious project to introduce STEAM education into the school system. The project covers 16 schools in 4 CDP area.

The aim of the project is to improve the quality of education, prepare students for modern challenges and opportunities, stimulating their interest in exact sciences and technologies. STEAM is not just about knowledge — it is an approach that shapes future leaders and innovators!

We believe that such initiatives will help Kyrgyz schoolchildren to step towards innovation and international education standards.


#Education #STEAM

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Training Session on Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Agriculture in Batken Oblast

In October 2024, Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic held a training session on climate change adaptation and sustainable agriculture in the Orozbekov aiyl okmoty of the Kadamzhai district, Batken oblast. The training was attended by members of the operational committee, water users from the "Kayindy-Ohna" Water Management Unit, water source managers (murabs), representatives from women's and youth committees, and representatives from the village council.

During the training, a plan of action for local communities to deal with climate change was discussed, and sustainable solutions were proposed. This project is being implemented on the basis of a project called "Enhancing Climate Resilience and Livelihoods through Orchard Cultivation and Sustainable Water Management in Batken Oblast."


#Training #ClimateChange #SustainableAgriculture

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