Health Center in Mirnoe village at Kok-Chu CDP

Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic on February 2023 finished the improvement of the Health Center in Mirnoe village at Kok-Chu CDP* (Community Development Project). The heating system was installed, and a better water supply system was provided, also needful facilities were given. Most of the residents of Mirnoe village couldn’t stay inside the health center while receiving medical check-ups in the winter season due to the absence of a heating system. With support from the Branch nowadays Health Center can be comfortably operated in any season. Providing development of infrastructure with the main objective to improve access to necessary services for the community and children mainly is always one of the priorities of Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic while implementing of CDP* projects. 

Other news:
Garage sale

A Garage Sale was held at the Alykul Osmonov National Library on 29 October. The fair featured a variety of handicrafts, books, baked goods and much more. There was also a lottery where valuable prizes from our sponsors were raffled off. Young talents from the Kurenkeev College and the " Antre " ballet studio supported our fair with their great performances. Thank you to all our participants and sponsors for helping us in any way you could! At the Garage Sale, we collected 81720 soms. All collected funds have been transferred to our HOPE account and will be used for the infrastructure restoration project in Batken oblast. Thank you to all our volunteers for the work you have done with us! We have significant and exciting events ahead of us in the coming months, so stay tuned.

Our sponsors at the charity fair were: 

@Seoul Kimchi
@KF Silk Road Project

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Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic awarded scholarships to the best students.

Last week, the director of Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic awarded scholarships to the best students in Talas region. This scholarship programme is initiated by a private sponsor from South Korea. Once a year, the Talas city administration draws up a list of the students who have performed best in their studies at the end of the academic year. Every year we provide scholarships and certificates, as well as a set of stationery, to talented and clever children from underprivileged families. This year, 30 schoolchildren were the recipients of the scholarships. We hope that the children will make better use of the awards and contribute to the development of education in the Kyrgyz Republic in the future.

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"Global Youth Network"

Last week, schoolchildren from Kamyshanovka village and from Africa, Asia, and Korea met online as part of the Global Youth Network. Children talked briefly about their country, culture, and landmarks. Two more meetings are planned in this format to discuss the main topics - the climate crisis and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

              We want to clarify, that Good Neighbors is launching a new educational program called “Good Neighbors Global Citizenship Education” (an international youth exchange program), the Global Youth Network. This project enables young people from around the world to become autonomous individuals who can develop a conceptual understanding of coexistence and empathy in a global world by expressing their opinions on global issues such as climate change and by practicing Good Action through international exchange activities. 

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