A Changed for a New Life: Sergei’s story
This video shares the story of Sergey Eremenko, a client of the Women’s Taxi – Inclusive Taxi project of Good Neighbors in Kyrgyz Republic. Sergey, a first-degree person with disabilities, relies on a wheelchair, and thanks to our inclusive service, he has been able to experience freedom of movement. Now, we aim to help him achieve an even greater goal — rehabilitation at the New Life clinic.
At the end of the video, the clinic’s director shares Sergey’s real chances of recovery, explaining that his muscles are still active and can be restored. Sergey needs our support, and we are announcing a fundraising effort for his treatment. This video is part of our fundraising project and an inspiring step toward meaningful change.
Help Sergey on his path to an independent life!
Our bank details
Demir Bank account 1180000103968042
Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic
#WomenTaxi #InclusiveTaxi
On 14th October, the first launch ceremony of the multifunctional "Development Center" took place in the village of Borko, Osh oblast.
The ceremony was attended by Chun Hong Soo, Director of Good Neighbors in the Kyrgyz Republic, Lee Won Jae, Korean Ambassador to the Kyrgyz Republic, Lee Jong Soo, Director of KOICA office in Kyrgyzstan, and Ernis Toltoev, Deputy Governor of the Kyrgyz Republic as well as civil servants from both countries and project managers.
Following the opening of the center in Borko village, in the villages of Chon-Alai district, Batken oblast, Tepe-Korgon and Masaliev villages, multifunctional "Development Centers" also began their work, it should be noted that in total 30 facilities are to be launched in Osh and Batken regions.
"The Development Center” is part of the Integrated Rural Development Project implemented jointly with Good Neighbors and KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Villagers can use the center to meet, develop their potential through various trainings; gender/financial/leadership trainings. The Development Centre also serves as a short-term kindergarten, which allows parents to leave their children in the temporary care of caregivers in order to set aside free time for socio-economic activities.
From next year, the “Kitchen Garden” program will also take place at the “Development Center”.
Meanwhile, in the Kyrgyz Republic, the Integrated Rural Development project is being implemented at a cost of 655 million soms over 4 years and 4 months from September 2021 to December 2025. The project aims to help 85,000 residents from 30 villages in 10 aiyl okmotu of Osh and Batken regions.
Good Neighbors in the Kyrgyz Republic will continue to work on improving women's rights and empowerment.
A Garage Sale was held at the Alykul Osmonov National Library on 29 October. The fair featured a variety of handicrafts, books, baked goods and much more. There was also a lottery where valuable prizes from our sponsors were raffled off. Young talents from the Kurenkeev College and the " Antre " ballet studio supported our fair with their great performances. Thank you to all our participants and sponsors for helping us in any way you could! At the Garage Sale, we collected 81720 soms. All collected funds have been transferred to our HOPE account and will be used for the infrastructure restoration project in Batken oblast. Thank you to all our volunteers for the work you have done with us! We have significant and exciting events ahead of us in the coming months, so stay tuned.
Our sponsors at the charity fair were:
@Seoul Kimchi
@KF Silk Road Project
Last week, the director of Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic awarded scholarships to the best students in Talas region. This scholarship programme is initiated by a private sponsor from South Korea. Once a year, the Talas city administration draws up a list of the students who have performed best in their studies at the end of the academic year. Every year we provide scholarships and certificates, as well as a set of stationery, to talented and clever children from underprivileged families. This year, 30 schoolchildren were the recipients of the scholarships. We hope that the children will make better use of the awards and contribute to the development of education in the Kyrgyz Republic in the future.