The success story of the “Sary-Sogot” cooperative
The Sary-Sogot cooperative is growing!
Thanks to the Good Neighbors program, income-generating projects, the Sary-Sogot cooperative is steadily developing, increasing honey production and the number of participants. In 2024, the cooperative participated in the “Honey” project with the support of Good Neighbors. By December 2024, the participants had successfully implemented the project.
Now the cooperative's goal is to produce more honey and create a sustainable future for its business.
- The success story of beekeeper Samat Musuraliev -
Samat Musuraliev, a member of the Sary-Sogot cooperative, with more than 10 years of experience in beekeeping, has achieved impressive results! In 2024, thanks to the support of our program and the loan received, he collected 117 barrels of honey (3429 kg) and sold it to international markets.
In 2025, he plans to improve conditions for bees by purchasing 100 new hives.
"Beekeeping is our family's main source of income, and over the past three years our income would have been significantly lower without the support of Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic." -Samat Musuraliev-
#IncomeGeneration #Cooperative #BeeKeeping #SuccessStory
Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic continues to work on the "Good Mama 2024" project. The main objective of the project is to familiarize medical workers and the CHWs (Community Health Workers) employees with the prenatal and postnatal pregnancy process, as well as to consolidate their knowledge of how to properly care for a developing fetus and maintain the health of the mother.
As part of the project, trainings were held for medical workers and the 80 CHWs representatives in 4 regions. After the trainings, CHWs representatives, in coordination with the medical workers, held preventive talks with pregnant women and invited them to regular check-ups. As part of the project, in early August, monitoring of the 18 CHWs work was conducted, during which pregnant women participating in the project were examined and informed.
The main goal of monitoring pregnant women in the regions is to identify possible dangers to the child’s and mother's health and their timely treatment.
#GoodMama #Health
Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic completed a project to equip an ICT classroom and a video recording studio in 2023 at the School named after Baiseyit uulu Eshmanbet in Kyzyl-Tuu village, Besh-Tash aiyl okmotu, Talas district, Talas oblast.
In 2024, GNKGZ plans a series of program training sessions for the school teachers on STEAM educational technology.
Our partners, experts in teaching STEAM technology (, held a meeting with the school teachers to assess their level of understanding and ability to master the new teaching technology. All suggestions and comments from the teachers were taken into account for developing the training program, which will maximize the effectiveness of the upcoming training sessions.
The goal of the project is to create STEAM centers at the school where children will learn the school curriculum with a new innovative approach, applying the knowledge they acquire in practice. The centers will provide all the advanced tools and equipment for the practical mastery of school knowledge.
#Education #STEAM
In July 2024, Women’s Community Aiym, with the support of Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic, organized Summer camp on the Issyk-Kul lake cost for persons with disabilities (PwDs).
13 participants of the camp spent three sunny unforgivable days in Solemar recreation center, which provided opportunity for persons with disabilities to have a quality rest free of charge. Staying in this center was especially comfortable for the participants, as its area is adapted for PwDs: has traps on the center area and easy access to the beach.
During these three days, participants were enjoying the beauty of the lake, communicating, sharing their success stories, motivating and inspiring each other. Participants returned to Bishkek with great impression, renewed and encouraged to overcome the new challenges.
This event also happened thanks to the support of “Red Petroleum” gas station network!
link of post about this project:
#WomenTaxi #InclusiveTaxi #WomentaxiAyim #ZhenskoeTaxiBishkek #Inclusiveness #AccessibleInfrastructureinthecity