Girls Football Club 2023
The "Girls Football Club" project by Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic continues its mission of supporting girls in football.
Last Friday, October 6, 2023, the final stage of mini-football within the "Girls Football Club" project, implemented by the Branch, will take place at the "Champion" sports complex in the city of Bishkek. The "Girls Football Club" project was first launched in 2019 with the aim of organizing youth girls' mini-football tournaments among representatives of three regions of Kyrgyzstan. This year, the project has been renewed and continues its mission, aiming to expand opportunities and rights for girls in the field of sports.
The final stage of the competition includes the participation of teams consisting of girls from the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, from four regions: Chui, Issyk-Kul, Zhalal-Abad, and Osh. The winning teams, each with 10 girls, will represent their regions in Bishkek and compete for the title of the winner.
"We believe that this project will give girls not only the opportunity to participate in competitive events but also to further develop girls football in our society. Sport contributes to personal growth, strengthens health, and instills important values such as teamwork, respect, and perseverance," noted the Country Director of the Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic Mr. Chun Hong Soo.
After the tournament concludes on this important day, a solemn award ceremony will take place, and guests from the Association of Women's Football of Kyrgyzstan are invited to attend. We thank all the participants who supported this project and contributed to its successful implementation. Our goal is to inspire and support girls in their aspirations for achievements and the strengthening of their rights.
Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic provided emergency kits for residents of Eshperov and Ak-Sai villages affected by recent mudflows in Bolot Mambetov aiyl okmotu, Ton district, Issyk-Kul oblast.
Supporting was provided to 32 families, including 25 families from Ak-Sai village and 7 families from Eshperov village. As part of the supporting, the affected families received food, essential items and personal hygiene products.
This support is aimed at improving the living conditions of people who found themselves in a difficult situation due to natural disasters. The organization continues to closely monitor the situation in the affected areas.
#EmergencyRelief #EmergencyKit
Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic implemented a capacity building training for the members of the cooperatives in Bolot Mambetov, Bel-Ady, Zhapalak CDP, and Ayim Cooperative last weekend.
The main purpose of the training was to enhance cooperatives’ members’ skills and knowledge. Throughout the training participants learned more about Financial Literacy, Basics of Taxation and Tax Regulation in Kyrgyz Republic, Bookkeeping and Project Management. The capacity building training was led by qualified experts in these areas.
Besides the informative sessions, training was a great platform for the cooperative members to get together, build a network and share their experience with each other. We were happy to see our partners. We wish a fruitful harvest in the upcoming harvesting season.
#Cooperatives #Training
Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic continues to work on the project “Improving the quality of education by creating STEAM centers on the basis of schools".
As part of the project implementation process, from August 19 began to conduct offline part of the training on STEAM teaching methodology for teachers of the Secondary Education School named after Baiseyit uulu Eshmanbet in Talas region.
This is an integral part of the program on implementation of STEAM teaching methodology. The training is conducted in cooperation with team of Mugalim Edu Education Platform. The total duration of this training is 120 hours. The offline part is 32 hours, and the remaining 88 hours of training will be conducted in the online format.
The goal of the project is to create STEAM centers at the school where children will learn the school curriculum with a new innovative approach, applying the knowledge they acquire in practice. The centers will provide all the advanced tools and equipment for the practical mastery of school knowledge.
#Education #STEAM #СТЭМ