Village Empowerment

From January 11th to 29th 2024 IRDP project provided a ToT (Training of Trainers). IRDP ToT involves experienced trainers guiding and equipping new trainers with vital expertise, empowering them to educate their communities about gender equality and financial literacy.

It is a key component of our approach to community development. This focuses on two fundamental principles below.

1. Gender equality training: Understanding the importance of creating inclusive communities, the trainings delve into the principles of gender equality. Participants will gain insight into how to break down stereotypes, promote inclusion and ensure equal opportunity for all. The goal is to empower our trainers to become trainers for change in their villages.

2. Financial literacy training: Financial well-being is the constant core of individual and societal prosperity. The financial literacy training covers important concepts such as budgeting, saving, and making sound financial decisions. By providing our coaches with these skills, we strive to empower them to help others make smart financial choices that will contribute to the overall development of the community.

The ToT is a strategic investment in the future of villages in the Kyrgyz Republic. By building the capacity of local leaders, IRDP strives to create self-sustaining progress in which people become advocates for their communities. It is believed to be a testament to the project’s commitment to driving positive change. Through this, the project is expecting sustainable training and empowerment in villagers in the future.

Other news:
My Village Project.

Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic implemented successfully My Village Project funded by KOICA from 2018 to 2022.
During the project, 30 villages in the Batken, Osh, and Chui regions actively participated in
developing village’s social infrastructure and creating income-generating projects.

As part of the post-project management program, a group of agronomists from the public association "AgroLead" conducted training
for farmers from the Batken region on vegetable cultivation in greenhouses and rice growing and drying techniques, including field visits.

The main goal is to enhance the potential of rural farmers and entrepreneurs, their knowledge, and skills
in the field of agriculture and business for the profitable operation of objects completed within the project. 

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Classrooms renovation & equipping.

Good Neighbors Kyrgyz Republic in collaboration with the administration of the Zhamgyrchiev school in Issyk Kul region, Ton district, carried out the refurbishment of 3 classrooms.  After the renovation, new furniture and classroom equipment were purchased, and the school administration helped with the provision of labor. Through our joint efforts, we were able to renovate the classrooms and now the students can study in comfortable conditions.   

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Multipurpose "Development Center" in Osh and Batken.

On 14th October, the first launch ceremony of the multifunctional "Development Center" took place in the village of Borko, Osh oblast.

The ceremony was attended by Chun Hong Soo, Director of Good Neighbors in the Kyrgyz Republic, Lee Won Jae, Korean Ambassador to the Kyrgyz Republic, Lee Jong Soo, Director of KOICA office in Kyrgyzstan, and Ernis Toltoev, Deputy Governor of the Kyrgyz Republic as well as civil servants from both countries and project managers.

Following the opening of the center in Borko village, in the villages of Chon-Alai district, Batken oblast, Tepe-Korgon and Masaliev villages, multifunctional "Development Centers" also began their work, it should be noted that in total 30 facilities are to be launched in Osh and Batken regions.

"The Development Center” is part of the Integrated Rural Development Project implemented jointly with Good Neighbors and KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Villagers can use the center to meet, develop their potential through various trainings; gender/financial/leadership trainings. The Development Centre also serves as a short-term kindergarten, which allows parents to leave their children in the temporary care of caregivers in order to set aside free time for socio-economic activities.

From next year, the “Kitchen Garden” program will also take place at the “Development Center”.

Meanwhile, in the Kyrgyz Republic, the Integrated Rural Development project is being implemented at a cost of 655 million soms over 4 years and 4 months from September 2021 to December 2025. The project aims to help 85,000 residents from 30 villages in 10 aiyl okmotu of Osh and Batken regions.    

Good Neighbors in the Kyrgyz Republic will continue to work on improving women's rights and empowerment.

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